
From flyers to Facebook: choosing a logo that sticks

Choosing a logo for your brand is serious business. In a fast-paced world where customers are increasingly consuming information more visually, it’s important to create something that wholly represents your brand and who you are - and should be something that people can recognise as being unapologetically ‘you’. It should also be versatile, and something that works across your marketing mix - from your printed flyers to your Facebook page!


And because your logo will be an essential part of your branding, you want to make sure it’s done right. Remember – this will be plastered on all of your branded materials, including business cards, letterheads and other stationery, not to mention your website and social media channels! While a logo is there to represent your brand, it’s also there to give your business a professional presence and to help you stand out from the crowd. But where to start?


Understand your brand’s personality

First and foremost, your logo needs to communicate exactly what your brand’s core values are – and your customer needs to be able to pick up on that, too. To get you started, why not think about what your business values are, and what makes you different from your competitors? If you had to describe your brand using just three words, what would they be? Your customers – what are they like, what are they looking for from your business, what do they care about? It’s worth having a brainstorming session before thinking about the design aspect, as this is arguably the first and most crucial step in defining who you are!


Then keep it on brand

Implementing your brand colours and typeface into your logo will ensure you stay consistent in your brand – which is key to looking professional. And while it might be tempting to jump on the latest design trend, your logo should be designed with longevity in mind so that it’s future proof and authentic.


Don’t overcomplicate your design

If you think about your favourite (or the most recognisable) logos in the world, chances are they’re pretty simply designed. That’s not to say they’re lacking in anything – far from it. As the saying goes, less it more, particularly when it comes to a logo design as this will often need to be resized for smaller pieces of marketing material, and having too much text or detail can end up looking pixelated, or can lose its meaning in the process.


Work alongside a graphic designer

To make sure your logo is designed professionally and ticks every box, communication is key! Preparing some notes or a mood board, plus examples of any logos you currently like, will help your designer in concocting the perfect logo for you. Often, they’ll come up with a few different styles and versions, so keeping an open mind is good practice – you might be surprised to find something you like, that you’ve never even thought of before!  


Get a second opinion

If you work alongside a partner, or have a team whose opinions you particularly value, it’s worth sharing the design ideas you have with them. While there is some truth in the old saying that “too many cooks can spoil the broth”, a pair (or two) of fresh eyes can bring new perspective… that may end up making all the difference!


Need help with your design project or rebrand? Get in touch with our award-winning team on And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn for all the latest news!

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