Press Release

Matt Turner, CEO of Creative Pod and Local Business Leader Becomes Government Export Champion

Matt has joined the Department for International Trade’s cadre of more than 400 successful business leaders across England, tasked with passing their expertise in selling overseas onto other, less experienced companies.

We are an award-winning marketing agency and have won contracts in over four countries over the last three years.


Export Champions typically business leaders, founders and international trade specialists from successful small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that are selling successfully around the world, helping others in their local area and relevant sector to follow suit. 


InternationalTrade Secretary Liz Truss said:

 “I am delighted that Matt has joined our Export Champion community and will play a crucial part in getting more businesses selling top-quality British goods and services across the world. They have incredible passion for seeing British businesses thrive and are keen to pass on their knowledge and expertise to others.


“The trade deals we are signing bring economic benefits to every part of the UK, support high quality jobs, and create massive opportunities. It is vital that businesses capitalise now, and our Export Champions will help their business boom by looking to new and exciting markets.”


ExportsMinister Graham Stuart said:

“We are putting exports at the heart of our vision for the future because we want to see more Brits in higher-paying employment and more of our companies thriving on the global stage. I would urge any business owner who has not considered selling abroad to utilise the services we provide and explore how exporting could take you to the next level.


“With experts like Matt leading by example, we hope more will follow in their footsteps and start a Great British exporting drive.”


Getting more businesses to export is a top priority for the Department for International Trade, as research shows that companies selling overseas are typically more productive, create more jobs and pay higher wages.


Currently, only one in 10 UK businesses sell overseas have the capacity to sell overseas, and the Government is seeking to greatly increase that over the coming years.


Matt and other new recruits will give bespoke insight on how more businesses can start their exporting journey or venture into new markets, as well as speaking at events and providing invaluable feedback to the Government.


This is the government’s latest move to increase international sales, with DIT publishing a refreshed Export Strategy later this year outlining our vision for an export-led recovery from the pandemic, delivering jobs and growth in every UK region and galvanising our new trade agreements around the world.


Matt Turner, said:

“I’m absolutely delighted to be asked to be an Export Champion and very much look forward to supporting other entrepreneurs in expanding their business overseas. It’s a privilege to help fly the Union Jack for business. 
“It’s important for business owners to realise that export isn’t all about putting something in a box and shipping it off to some far-flung country. Exporting enables you to take your business to the next level. Most people’s biggest barrier to export is procrastination, not support or red tape.”

If you have any questions, please reach out to Matt Turner via email -

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