
Our Top Ten Business Tips For Working From Home

Following the recent government guidelines and Prime Minister Boris Johnson's announcement for businesses and employees to work from home where possible, adjustments will have to be made to our working lives. Here at Creative Pod, we would like to share with you some of our top tips for businesses to continue their growth and progress through these unprecedented times. 

1. Concentrate on maintaining your business at this time; profits will come later. 

2. Think of the future and the bigger picture, help your local community where you can. 

3. Have set times, maybe twice a day, to check-in with your colleagues/employees, so you are all on the same page. 

4. Use time efficiently and have a pro-active timetable for the day/week ahead, as if you were still at your place of work.

5. Be sure to build in a break for fresh air and exercise. 

6. Make sure to keep in regular contact with your clients and prospective clients through your communication tools. 

7. Use your time to plan strategies for the future! We will come out of this crisis, and we will be ready. 

8. Be sure and keep your social media channels up to date. It's the perfect time to share great content with your followers. We’re offering Coronavirus SOS package to help take any of your marketing and digital content hassles away -

9. Keep your team energised and motivated; this will reflect in the work they deliver. 

10. Remember? Dealers still deal, readers keep reading, so keep working hard, keep pitching, keep trying!

These are unprecedented times, but the team at Creative Pod is here to help and support. Our ‘sister company 427 Marketing’, offer a wide range of marketing services to support small to medium and large businesses as well as larger agencies across the country. If you are a business, that needs a better search engine ranking, website improvement, online content, blogging or email marketing, please get in touch with -

Please feel free to contact us if you feel we can be of any assistance to you:

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