
Meet the Team: Gordon Dowling

How are you finding working at CP so far?

It’s been great considering I haven’t physically met anyone yet! The whole team was awesome with onboarding and I felt super welcome from the get-go. 

Having embarked on a number of very fun creative projects already, I’m off to a great start!

What’s your background?

I studied design at university in a pretty unique course that allowed me to try out various agency roles on different projects. After graduating I worked in media research and did a six-year stint as an Account Manager in both print and digital agencies.

During this time I realised that my heart lay with the creative side of things, so after doing lots of design work in my spare time, I side-stepped into a design role. I’ve loved every minute of it so far, and it’s been great to focus my career into web design/development now as it’s so fun and pulls on such a varied skill set.

Tell us something random about you…

When I’m not thinking about design, I’m usually thinking about food. Cooking and eating a lot! I always like to try new things and it’s one of my favourite things about travelling - tasting new food! I’ve got an Instagram where I keep shots of awesome meals I’ve eaten for inspiration later, and on a UX course I did last year I designed an app to provide suggestions for dinner.

Who are your biggest influences?

Without a doubt my mum. She’s definitely where I get my sense of humour from, and always supported the decisions I’ve made in life. Being a single parent, she had her hands full with a full-time job, two kids, and looking after my gran too, with a super upbeat can-do attitude. I don’t know how she did it, to be honest!

What is your favourite quote?

“Design is a solution to a problem. Art is a question to a problem.” – John Maeda

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