
Meet The Team: Niall Healy

In our latest blog, we would like to welcome our youngest new member of the Creative Pod team, Niall - who has joined as a Marketing Executive. We sat down with him to find out about his journey working with us so far!


How are you finding working as part of The Creative Group so far?


Well I’ve not been working here long but I’m really enjoying it so far! Everyone’s been really friendly which has really helped me settle in. The role looks really challenging as well which is something I’m really looking forward to.


How are you finding the working from home/in the office balance as a new team member?


I've been working from home since March so I'm used to it now! Being back in the office is strange as the last time I worked in an office was nearly 4 months ago! The first time I met everyone was over video call so that was a bit strange but I think it went okay!


What’s your background?


So I spent 4 1/2 years working in hospitality since I was about 19, eventually becoming holding general manager but after I went travelling in February 2019, I decided I wanted a change of career so in August 2019 I started a digital marketing apprenticeship. I’m at the end of that course now so I thought it was the right time to take the next step which is when I decided to join Creative Pod.


Tell us something Random about you?


I’m a shareholder in a Spanish second division football club called Real Oviedo.


Who are your biggest influences?


My biggest influence is probably my Dad. As far as work ethics go, I’ve never met anyone who is willing to work as hard as he is to achieve his goals so he is someone I definitely look up to.


What is your favourite quote?


Can’t decide between a fun one or a serious one so I’ll do both!


The work of a team should always embrace a great player, but the great player must always work - Sir Alex Ferguson


This time next year, we’ll be millionaires - Del Boy

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