
Meet The Team: Sadie

We’re Very Excited To Announce That We Have Sadie Chillingworth With Us For A Two-Week Internship. So We Took The Opportunity To Find Out A Little More About Sadie And What She’s Hoping To Get From Her Internship.

So tell us a little bit about your role…

“Over the two weeks, I will be working primarily alongside Sarah and Charlotte to learn about the essentials of Digital Marketing. I will gain an understanding about the systems used at Creative Pod, such as Hootsuite and social analytics. Plus, insight into The Creative Group and the four individual companies involved; Creative PodSquare OneThe Printshop and ECHO.”

How Are You Finding Working As Part Of The Creative Group So Far?

“This is my second week at The Creative Group, but I love the vibe in the office. The team have been super friendly. I’ve already gained insight into each department and am really enjoying the projects I’ve been involved with.”

What’s Your Background?

“I studied a degree in Film Studies at Portsmouth University. After completing my degree, I went travelling for two years in America, Canada, New Zealand and Australia. I am now hoping to pursue a career in either Digital Marketing or Travel. Two completely different areas of interests.”

Tell Us Something Random About You

“Although, I consider myself to be a confident driver and I love driving. It took me six times to pass my driving test!”

What Is Your Favourite Quote?

“Every moment you spend dwelling, is a moment you lose smiling!”

Who are your biggest influences?

“My biggest influences are my mum and my sister. They support me in everything I do!”

What are you hoping to get out of your time here?

“I am hoping to achieve a higher understanding of digital marketing and gain knowledge into this industry. I would like to be involved with blog writing, social media content and the daily routines of a junior marketing executive position.”

To find out more about what it’s like to work for Creative Pod, and to learn more about what we do, visit: and follow us on Facebook Twitter and LinkedIn for all our latest news.

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