
Work Experience: My Week at Creative Pod

How are you finding your work experience with Creative Pod?

I’ve enjoyed it so far, they have given me a great insight into the marketing sector and have given me loads of useful tips that I hopefully will be able to put to good use in the future. The team are all very kind and welcoming and have been extremely patient with all the questions I have asked. It also surprised me how upbeat and creative the office feels, in comparison to the offices you see in movies and tv shows. It's a brilliant productive environment and if I do go into the marketing sector in the future I hope my workplace is similar to Creative Pod. 

Why did you choose to do work experience at a marketing firm?

To be honest I have always held a genuine interest in business, even when I first started it in Year 10 at secondary school it was the subject I was most passionate about. I thought that a marketing firm would be a good place to go for work experience, as it would give me a better understanding of one of the most important parts of a business. If you can’t market properly then your business won't make it far and if I owned/ran a business one day, I now understand that marketing is a fundamental part of gaining success in your venture.

Tell us something random about you

Uhmm… something random ok, I’m the cousin of Sarah Lyons who is the Head Of Marketing at Creative Pod, she is a really good role model for someone like myself who is trying to make their way into the marketing/business industry. It was thanks to her that I got this incredible experience at Creative Pod so I am extremely grateful for that. She also says “Jelly Babies” really weird…. But I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say that.

What are your plans after you finish your work experience?

After my work experience I will firstly finish my A levels, then after that I hope to secure myself an apprenticeship place at a marketing company near my home city Bristol and start my journey as a marketer!

What is your favourite quote?

It may be an oldy but it's a good one, ‘Do or do not, there is no try’ - Yoda.

If you would like to do some work experience at Creative Pod please contact us at:

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