
Rockinghorse Children's Charity

Rockinghorse Children’s Charity, established in 1967, is the official fundraising arm of the Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital in Brighton and we've been working with them since late 2022 to grow their brand awareness and event engagement.

Services Provided
Social Media

Rockinghorse Children’s Charity, established in 1967, is the official fundraising arm of the Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital in Brighton. They raise money to fund and deliver life-saving equipment, specialist projects and enhanced services with the aim of improving the lives of sick children, babies and young people throughout Sussex.


Over the past 18 years, we have partnered with various companies across the Southeast. We met with Rockinghorse Childen’s Charity at numerous events and initiatives, as they are often the nominated charity partners. Over these years, we developed a close relationship with the CEO, Donna Holland, and the team by participating in and sponsoring a number of their charitable events, so we were delighted to onboard them to help with their marketing.

As a charitable organisation, enhancing brand visibility, raising awareness of events, and highlighting its initiatives were the key objectives of Rockinghorse’s Children’s Charity marketing strategy. Moreover, given the frequency of their events, proactive marketing assistance before, during and after events was crucial. Leveraging our experience from collaborating with numerous charities in the past, we knew exactly the approach to adopt to achieve these goals.


Rockinghorse Children’s Charity, established in 1967, is the official fundraising arm of the Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital in Brighton. They raise money to fund and deliver life-saving equipment, specialist projects and enhanced services with the aim of improving the lives of sick children, babies and young people throughout Sussex.


Over the past 18 years, we have partnered with various companies across the Southeast. We met with Rockinghorse Childen’s Charity at numerous events and initiatives, as they are often the nominated charity partners. Over these years, we developed a close relationship with the CEO, Donna Holland, and the team by participating in and sponsoring a number of their charitable events, so we were delighted to onboard them to help with their marketing.

As a charitable organisation, enhancing brand visibility, raising awareness of events, and highlighting its initiatives were the key objectives of Rockinghorse’s Children’s Charity marketing strategy. Moreover, given the frequency of their events, proactive marketing assistance before, during and after events was crucial. Leveraging our experience from collaborating with numerous charities in the past, we knew exactly the approach to adopt to achieve these goals.


Social Media Management:

Firstly, central to Rockinghorse’s Children Charity strategy is organic social media engagement. Over the past 18 months of collaboration, we have witnessed significant growth in their social media following and engagement metrics. Operating across multiple platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter (X), our approach combines consistent core content with reactive and live content where appropriate, resulting in enhanced audience interaction. Since onboarding, we have increased the frequency of postings from once a week to five-six days a week, resulting in substantial growth as evidenced by the following statistics from the last six months of 2023:

  • Facebook: 180 new followers, 317,947 impressions, 11,788 engagements, 3.7% engagement rate
  • Instagram: 298 new followers, 112,836 impressions, 4,684 engagements, 4.2% engagement rate
  • LinkedIn: 300 new followers, 66,736 impressions, 8,786 engagements, 13.2% engagement rate
  • Twitter: 22 new followers, 662 engagements

Award Entries:

To further elevate brand recognition on a broader scale, we undertake the responsibility of organising, drafting, and submitting award entries on behalf of Rockinghorse Children’s Charity. In 2023, our efforts led to them being highly commended in the Medium-sized Charity of the Year category at the Third Sector Awards, significantly enhancing their visibility across local and national audiences.


In addition to social media management, our PR strategy has yielded remarkable success in growing Rockinghorse’s Children’s Charity brand awareness. Notably, so far in 2024 alone, three articles had substantial media coverage, with the highlight being a feature on Josh Braid's charity expedition to the South Pole, which got picked up by prominent news outlets such as the BBC, ITV, More Radio, Sussex Express and many more. These media placements have not only boosted their SEO but also expanded their reach to local, national, and international audiences.


Whilst these three core components form the foundations of our marketing strategy, our close relationship with the team has also contributed to their success. Our team at Creative Pod regularly attend their fundraising events, and back in 2023, our Marketing Executive Hayley Johnston also participated in their Brighton i360 drop and raised £360 for them. Through our networking connections and the implementation of these core strategic initiatives, they have experienced sustained growth in brand awareness and consistent engagement with their events.

Should you seek to enhance your marketing presence and require our services, we invite you to reach out to us today. Together, we can propel your business forward.

You can read more about Rockinghorse Children’s Charity and their incredible initiatives via their website:

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