Industry Trends

A recap of BrightonSEO April 2019: PPC

Last week, we looked at the booming popularity of podcasts, and how to make sure yours stands the test of time. This week, we’re recapping on the power of PPC, and how to win business from your competitors...


Did you know that 64.6% of people click on ads? Compared to just 35.4% of people who click on organic results. Meaning investing in PPC is no longer a practice reserved for just the pros or big boys in the industry, it’s becoming an essential. One speaker, Tanesha Marie Stafford, founder of Armchair Marketing, shared her top five tips about winning business from your competitors:

Users are selfish – and our job, as marketers, is to serve them. And SKAGs (Single Keyword Ad Groups) are the best way to do this.

Location, location, location – 80% of shoppers actually use their phone to Google while they are still in the store to look at competitor stores and special offers – which is why it’s important to target locations where your competitors cluster.

Define your audience using your competitors – you can select audiences who you want to see your ads, based on what they are actively researching. These users likely already have an interest in your industry or product!

Use cancel-it keywords – such as, ‘cancel <competitor> membership’ - because if a user is looking to cancel a software they are currently using, they’re more than likely looking to repurchase to another subscription!

Lastly, identify ad schedules – and use tools to see when your competitors aren’t appearing to get the upper hand.

In essence, PPC can really be the fastest way to instant and exponential competitor customer conquesting!

Next week, we'll be looking at producing video content on a small budget. Watch this space!

Need help with your Google advertising or marketing strategy? Get in touch on And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn for all the latest news!

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