Industry Trends

A recap of BrightonSEO April 2019: Video content on a small budget

Over the past few weeks, we've been recapping on some top tips around Podcasts and PPC from our team's visit to BrightonSEO back in April.

This week, we're looking at how you can product your video content on a small budget. Read on to find out more!

Video content on a small budget

We all know that videos work well online but producing them can be costly. Phil Nottingham from Wistia shared some tips on how you can produce a meaningful video on a small budget.

Rather than measuring your videos on reach, which isn’t always accurate on social stats, measure your video on impact. It’s better to ‘find your nerds’ who will comment, like, and share you content that get high numbers of views from people who don’t go on to engage with you.

Don’t share your video on all social media platforms as your audience won’t be on them all. If your content is B2B focussed, it’s likely to perform better on LinkedIn over Facebook, and vice versa with B2C content. Below is one of Phil’s slides with some great advice:

If you’re publishing your video as an ad on YouTube, consider making use of TrueView - a branded box to the bottom left of the video which can be clicked on by watchers and takes them through to your website.

A tip for monitoring Facebook videos views is to use ThruPlays which gives you a far more accurate report of viewers.

More Facebook videos will appear silent to users so make use of Facebook’s carousel ad option as the user can pick on the video they want to see and when they click on it, they’ll get the sound.

Phil shared some great advice on how to distribute your spend when working on a video - spend 50% on ideas, 25% on production, and 25% on distribution. Big budget videos tend to spend 0% on ideas, 25% on production, and 75% on distribution but that isn’t always the best method, especially if you’re on a small budget.

Next week, we'll be looking at online PR and how to write a killer outreach email. Stay tuned!

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